We were married on a Saturday and were at the bank that Monday for our big financial wedding. I jump into things head first, I don't wade, and I didn't spend too much time analyzing what we should really do regarding finances. I very rarely regret being this way with the exception of this situation.
Within fifteen minutes the account representative at my bank had made my new husband the primary account holder of my checking account and our joint money market. I'd gone from being the primary account holder, loyal and faithful to the same bank for 10 years, to being secondary to my husband and it was a hard pill to swallow - the pill is lodged deep in my throat now, three months later.
My husband is having an affair!!! His mistress is his pre-marriage checking account and Bank of America. The plan is to close this account and share our joint checking account together...one day. What do you think we should do? Should I remove him from my checking account and should we only have a joint money market? Will this even the playing field? On a side note, my husband does not have the bank card that was mailed to us and does not use either of our joint accounts...maybe this changes things.
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