It's the third season of "Million Dollar Listing" on Bravo. I've watched it since the first season. I enjoy watching the scripted interactions between the three young hot shot California agents: Madison, Josh, and Chad. Madison is the only one that I actually like as a person - he is such a space cadet, but you can tell that he's a good person. Josh is extremely eccentric and I get a kick out of him. But Chad is a douche bag with a capital DB. He really irritates me more than nails on a chalkboard.
I feel the need to vent about Chad Rogers. I can handle his ridiculous Lego Person hair cut (I can't handle how much he must damage the ozone layer with his can-a-day of hairspray addiction). I can handle his annoying use of "Vivi-cakes" when conversing with his brain-dead fashion designer girlfriend (although she seems to be wising up this season, she's getting fiery, and putting her foot down, I admire that). I can even handle how overly confident he is with his real estate prowess although they've very rarely shown him "closing" a great million dollar deal.
What I absolutely cannot handle about Chad is his exploitation of Viv's chihuahua named Starla! If you watch the show you will see him pull this scared, five pound, black chihuahua out of a briefcase, not even a dog carrier. He claims that this briefcase is a manpurse/dog carrier that is ventilated. He is surprised that fans of the show do not believe that this isn't simply a briefcase. However, if a dog enjoyed being in whatever he calls this carrier of his they wouldn't look scared to death each and every episode. If you are a dog lover like me you're forced to watch this torture each episode and you want to scream at him because it's cruel. You don't put dogs in briefcases that aren't ventilated (I'm sorry, he claims it is). News flash Chad, dogs don't shake if they enjoy being handed off to strangers you're trying to sell real estate to that they don't know.
I want PETA to get involved. I want to call the ASPCA on him. He is the metro-sexual Michael Vick. He should be fined and Starla should be kept away from him and his briefcase at all costs. This is a memo to Chad, you're a world class a-hole for how you treat that poor dog. This is a memo to Vivi-cakes, keep your self-obsessed D-Bag boyfriend away from your dog Starla! Now is your chance, watch the YouTube of when Viv can take a stand and not allow Chad to have any rights to her: Poor Starla I would like to start a campaign to "Save Starla." Who is with me???
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