11 May 2010

Summertime is Berry Time

     Last Wednesday was my first weigh in for Weight Watchers and my first full week on the "diet."  I managed to lose 7 lbs - woo hoo.  I don't think I'll lose that much when I take my weight tomorrow, but whatever it is, it is.  The hardest thing for me is eating breakfast, but I've found something that I like - it's only 4 points - and I can actually stomach it in the morning.  I call it "Euge's Berry Breakfast," and it consists of the following:
(1) Single Service Chobani 0% Fruit - I like rasberry, strawberry, or blueberry best.  I buy a variety and try and alternate each morning.
(2) 1 cup of mixed berries - right now I'm buying blueberries, rasberries, and blackberries.
(3) Put it all into a small cereal bowl, mix it up, and voila - Euge's Berry Breakfast.
     I'd also like to bring up something else that I'm doing, which I started last Tuesday and is a 14 day commitment.  In my all things berry theme, I'm doing the Applied 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse.  You have to take two vitamins with 8 ozs of water before breakfast and another two vitamins with 8 ozs of water before bed.  The vitamins taste like berries so they don't repulse me.  I figured that after a couple years of eating horribly what could doing this hurt?  So far, I've had no negative reactions to this, which I was worried about, but we'll see if it did anything once I've completed it (a week from today). 
     One thing that I've learned is that it takes a lot of work to be a disciplined and responsible person with food.  If you can find something that you actually enjoy eating and stick with that one thing each morning for breakfast it will make your life a lot easier.

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