18 February 2010

The Laundry Blues

     I recently traveled to Buffalo, NY to meet my new nephew.  We had a wonderful weekend from Thursday to Sunday and when we got home I started my first round of laundry - all the clothes that we wore during the weekend that we pulled out of our bags.  I recalled that I had done about three loads of laundry before we left, but someone must have moved into our house over the weekend, wore all of our clothes, and then left them for me to clean this past week.  I've done at least one load each day (usually two though) since I got home on Sunday and there is still more to do.  I'm about to lose my mind!
     I always feel a great, but shortlived, sense of accomplishment when every single piece of worn clothing is clean in my house.  I feel lighter and for some reason think everything smells better when there are no dirty socks or underwear in the hampers.  With that said though, I absolutely, positively cannot stand folding and putting away clean clothes.  Folding clothes has got to be one of the worst activities around and by the time I finish the last thing I want to do is neatly put them all away. 
     Ironing is not in my job description.  If I can't hang it and let it air dry to avoid wrinkles - I either wear it with wrinkles or take it to the cleaners.  Usually I'm too cheap for the later so I wear a lot of things with wrinkles!  Sue me.  I'm not the least bit ashamed when someone points out that something I have on is wrinkled...ironing is not in my job description, remember?!?  Ironing has got to be one of the most complicated things to do, I manage to injure myself everytime I attempt to iron.  I even went out and bought an expensive steamer to avoid ironing.  That thing is such a pain in the butt to use that it is sitting in my closet collecting dust. 
     Laundry is truly a chore...a necessary evil...I think I liked it better when I was a little kid and "magically" anything that I left in my hamper or on the floor wound up clean, neatly folded, and put away in my drawer. 

1 comment:

Liz said...

your hubby looooooves the steamer