22 February 2010

Does 3D Make Anyone Else Out There Nauseous?

     It only took us three months since the movie's release to see "Avatar" in 3D.  I've been to the IMAX one time, on a high school field trip, and had to leave the theater after about one hour because I got motion sickness.  I had not gone to the IMAX or to a 3D movie since that horrifying experience (almost ten years had passed before I gave that type of movie experience a chance again). 
    A couple of years ago we went to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 3D and I did okay.  When I left, I realized that movie had 3D elements, but the entire film was not in 3D to the caliber of James Cameron's "Avatar."  Last night I felt dizzy, nauseous, and left the theater with a horrible headache.  I still enjoyed every moment of the film.  Visually it was beautiful and the underlying messages about how we're all connected to one another and to the planet was moving.  However, I would be lying if I didn't say that 2 hours and 40 minutes, plus 10 minutes of 3D previews didn't make me wish I'd just saved the extra $5 and gone to "Avatar" not in 3D.  Am I a wimp?  Does anyone else out there in the blogosphere suffer from 3D Movie Motion Sickness? 

1 comment:

Liz said...

Avatar made 3D-licious! Only way to see this film!